

Posted by Eumora Brunei in

EUMORA (European Moor with Algae) is made with “Tiefen or Deep MOOR' from Austria, a rare form of nutrient-rich peat which was formed during the Ice Age Moor.

In the 16th Century, famous alchemist Paracelsus, described MOOR as the 'Quinta Essentia Vitae' which he believed was the elixir of life.

Today MOOR clinics offering a range of MOOR based treatments have become widespread throughout entire Europe. European doctors regularly prescribe MOOR products for treating a host of inflammatory and ulcerative skin, intestinal and arthritic illnesses.

Many hospitals in Germany and Austria now have dedicated MOOR treatment facilities with specially trained staff. Nature does know best what our body and our skin needs.

Hundred of herbs, organic compounds, trace elements, plant hormones, natural antibiotics, & other biologically active matter combine to produce one of nature's miracles; the thick rich MOOR. The synergy of these natural organic substances gives the Deep MOOR its 'miracle' therapeutic, rejuvenating qualities, one of nature's most potent therapeutic and detoxifying substances.

The benefits derived from MOOR are also made possible with the abundance of essential oils, fatty acids and lipoids, which occur naturally and are not artificially introduced, as in most cosmetics.

Research has shown that:-

It penetrates easily into the skin, re-establishing the skin's natural pH balance and increasing the flow of blood to the skin.

The skin is detoxified, purified, toned & revitalized by soluble organic and inorganic active nutrients.

It’s clinically tested and found to be naturally hypoallergenic and to be able to harmonies with and benefit any skin type, eliminating the need for many different types of creams.

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